Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pollywog stuck in the blog... I mean bog!

So today I assessed my pottery sales since August 2010. I sold over $1,000 in less than 4 months in pottery! That's terrific but it's not going to sustain my cost of living. So feeling a bit under the weather and with no gung-ho I made my way into the office. I spent the day working on a grant for garden preservation. Ho hum.

However, I did get an email inviting me to a Director's Coffee Klatch this Friday FREE with an interesting subject; the speaker's name is Princess Bola Adelani and the subject is; to learn the hidden, spiritual dimension of attracting financial success, through the Money P.O.W.E.R.T program. Okay so it sounds a bit hokey and can she really tell me anything I don't know already? I kind of already believe in the law of attraction and that believing something makes it so (eventually and with perseverence) and I know that we have all sorts of negative thoughts around money preventing us from having more of it. It's hard staying positive and feeling abundant when you just aren't. It's work! I was going to a Gentle Yoga class once a week several months ago to try and ease myself into a physically active and fit lifestyle. Even the "gentle" yoga was strenuous! I had to make the time and it still required effort. Even in poses where you just lay there you are still directed to have deep focused breathing. Talk about exhausting! And to get the most effect from it, you needed to practice on your own every day at home. Posture, breathing, poses = effort. Simple stuff with lots of effort. Flossing your teeth right before bed? 5 minutes of your time but Ugh! All I want to do is just crawl into bed! So practicing abundance and wealth awareness is difficult when it isn't abundantly apparent in your life already, when it isn't just doing it itself, when it just isn't who you inherently are. It doesn't help living in a community where everyone has everything. West Hartford people are relatively affluent. I have achieved a certain amount of objectiveness. I can see clearly now that I really don't need half the stuff my neighbors have and I have lived on a LOT less before and been happier.

Well, we'll see what happens at the Coffee Klatch with Princess Bola Adelani. I have a feeling I'll be saying, "Well, she ain't no Deepak Chopra" or "She stole that whole thing from Eckart Tolle". I can't imagine learning anything new on the subject but apparently there is something I have yet to get since I still am not living my bliss making art all day, promoting artists and sipping Java at my very own Amphibian...an Artisan Cafe.

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